Saturday, April 11, 2009


So im wondering threw old records... then i start into the old cds.... and then i start playin music from the old memory banks i mean just going threw lyircs in my head. And all i cold think of is I need more. I feel like music in general is me. I mean from from certain songs being exact emotions to certain verses placing my direct expression on wax...
I wish i had more confidence in my delivery on wax. I guess one of my own hang ups. Friends say im cool. I can write and i can spit fine. But im such my own critque after i lay something down i erase it. cause something small or something large may have been wrong. Thus gives me even more respect for the artist out there.
So all you cats out there big ups.
I know i talk or my words/slangs/vocabulary seems very midwest or even NY but im not either im a southern cat. Deep in the Heart of tx. My heart.
Just answering some random questions that ive been asked VIA email. SHout out to the emailers... Ya'll keep me on it. oh and the emaill addy has nothin to do with where im from i dont know why yahoo did that.

Never the less... here is something that is kinda new... I was gonna put up something dark... from when i wanted to chunk a bitch down the stairs on some i hope you can fly shit. But im in a good mood like no other at the moment. Dont know why... cause last nite was full of alcohol and drunk text arguments..... *smh*
Ppl really see me differently than i see myself!! way different.

I call this one Rescue me...

*clears throat*

Falling into her eyes
into her.... Soul
losing my grip on reality....
the actuality of her is.... mesmerizing...
as i....
into.... her Soul...
Discovering neverland in her mold....
creating Xtacy,bliss, life yet losing control...

exposed the lack of gravity
dreaming of complaisant flight

Friday, April 10, 2009


I'm sorry to anyone who actually reads,emails, comments or looks forward to anytihng i have to say.... Alot has been going on. Between personal life/women to business (book) life shit got a little hectic which took me away from my life. So I am sorry... if i left you guys in limbo i will definately put something new out tonight or tomorrow. I SWEAR to that. ButI had real convo with someone that may influence my every decision from today till death.... and thats some honest smack in the face kick in the shin pinch me if im dreaming type shit.

So I went to sleep/woke up/dreamt all in this one sense of mind....

Listening to a syrens cry, Opens eyes
But Quiets Humanity!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


As i recap upon certain events current and past. And look/watch other peoples decisions/life play out before my eyes. I begin think how these things play/played apart in my own life. And man do i ever hate when someone elses hang ups shift my reality. But as began to overthink/pink/go deeper i thought what is life.... and when you get down to it. It is Nothing more than a Addiction. Hence the saying "healthy addiction"

I mean i dont see past anything but my life and my day to day is grasping/living in those moments that make me feel most alive. Or where/were i get the most out of life.

So i ask you... have you began to feed your habit?!

LIFE- being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
I mean it is nothing more than actively moving (metabolism), fucking (reproducing) in the words of the pisser (kells) must be that sex weed lmao. and adapting to whatever enviroment you find yourself in rural to urban....

and me myself... I have not one ounce of a situation/issue/problem with my massive addiction.

New Material coming soon... Today?Tomorrow?Tonight? Soon...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"The Nature of US"

As requested.... Man i'm glad you dig it. No im not gonna even mention that... i'll leave it up though. cause i think the situation is hilarious. Stupidity/ignorance is comical for most. bliss that live in it. *smh*

But on to shit that matters...

"The Nature Of US"

as i lay back craving the rain drops of ur love to soak my roots...
steadily growing stronger as my branches wrap aroun its sunshine...
feeling the ocean of ur desire turning me into a penisula as the curves of our bodies clashes like the waves against the shores of ur heart....
nestled standing strong battling threw the test of time the lies of thunder...
which allows me to laugh at the grumbling of the wind...
or not feed into the bullshit of the lightening...
so i laugh here waiting to reep the fruits of our labor...
so i take in eve... to my adam...
as i takeone knee if she will have him...
so have me...
because ur love like mother earth has birthed a new man... as ur man.. rain on me... and we shall grow as we...

P.s. (by the way)
This does not count as new material. i still got yall on more stuff. coming soon.